Governor Tina Kotek has appointed Katy Coba as Port of Portland Commission President, effective March 13. Coba has served on the Port Commission since 2022. She replaces Alice Cuprill-Comas, who completed a six-year term as Commission President.
"I’m thankful for Katy’s expertise in connecting Oregon agriculture to international trade, which has been of great value to the Port of Portland Commission," said Curtis Robinhold, Port of Portland executive director. "I’m looking forward to continuing to partner with her to find innovative solutions to regional challenges and identify more ways to create a community where everyone is empowered and connected to economic opportunity."
After retiring in late 2022, Coba’s career spanned more than thirty-seven years in state government. Most recently, Coba served for 6 years as chief operating officer and director of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) after being appointed by Governor Kate Brown in 2016. As COO, she worked with the Governor, state agencies, the legislature and stakeholders to manage the enterprise of state government. Prior to this, Coba served as the Director of the Oregon Department of Agriculture for 13 years, where she represented Oregon’s agricultural industry locally, domestically and internationally. She was the first female director for ODA in Oregon and is the longest serving ODA director in Oregon’s history.
Having served on several boards in multiple roles, Coba has been recognized for her international trade work and by the Food and Drug Administration for her leadership in state government. In retirement, she continues to serve as an independent board member on Rubicon Investments and an Oregon State University delegate to the Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching, in addition to her role on the Port Commission.
"I am honored to be selected by Gov. Kotek to serve as the new president of the Port of Portland Commission," said Coba. "I have worked with the Port for many years during my service in state government, and I am passionate about both the Port’s areas of expertise in travel, trade and economic development, as well as its commitment to having a positive impact on the people who live and work in this region. The current commission and staff are intentional about their efforts to make a difference, and it's an exciting time to be part of the Port of Portland community."
Coba has also confirmed Katherine Lam as Commission treasurer. Other members of the Commission are Michael Alexander, Commission vice president; Ketan Sampat, Commission secretary; Mike DeVaughn; Sam Johnson; Richelle Luther; Meg Niemi; and Stuart Strader.
The nine-member Port Commission meets monthly. At least two commissioners must each live in one of the three counties in the Port district (Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties). The remaining members may live in any part of the state. Commissioners are unpaid volunteers who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate. They serve four-year terms and can be reappointed for an additional term. Commission presidents are selected by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Commission appoints the Port's executive director.