Portland International Airport General Aviation Minimum Standards |
The General Aviation Minimum Standards encourage, promote, and ensure the consistent delivery to Airport Customers General Aviation products, services, and facilities at the Portland International Airport. |
Hillsboro Airport General Aviation Minimum Standards |
The General Aviation Minimum Standards encourage, promote, and ensure the consistent delivery to Airport Customers General Aviation products, services, and facilities at the Hillsboro Airport. |
Troutdale Airport General Aviation Minimum Standards |
The General Aviation Minimum Standards encourage, promote, and ensure the consistent delivery to Airport Customers General Aviation products, services, and facilities at the Troutdale Airport. |
Portland International Airport Rules |
The Portland International Airport Rules govern and regulate the activities and conduct of persons and entities using Portland International Airport. |
Use of Temporary Space For Signatory Carriers |
Guideline regarding signatory carriers renting temporary space at the Portland International Airport. |
Airline Use, Regulations and Fees (433) |
Establishes rates, charges and fees and regulating the use of Portland International Airport (PDX) by commercial airlines that are not party to a lease and operating agreement with the Port (signatory agreement). The Ordinance will accommodate carriers that do not want to assume financial and leasing commitments for the full term of a signatory agreement and to establish a legal framework for these purposes in the absence of a signatory agreement. |
Airport Operations (423) |
An ordinance regulating use and operation of airports and their facilities and repealing Ordinance No. 317 and Ordinance No. 327. |
Bond Ordinances |
The Port of Portland uses BondLink to manage its investor relations. |
Civil Service (462) |
Ordinance No. 462, an ordinance amending and restating Port Ordinance No. 275, as amended by Port Ordinance No. 300, as amended by Port Ordinance No. 425-R, that established a Civil Service System for fire fighters and created a Civil Service Commission. |
Commercial Roadway (450) |
Ordinance No. 450-R Pertaining to regulation of commercial roadway at Portland International Airport. Ordinance No. 450-R, which is concisely summarized as follows: An ordinance to regulate use of the commercial roadway to best serve the needs of the traveling public at Portland International Airport, and amending and restating Ordinance No. 351 (as amended by Ordinance No. 386-R, 397-R, 418-R and 432-R). |
Customer Facility Charge (448) |
An Ordinance Establishing a Customer Facility Charge on Rental Car Transactions at the Airport for use of the Airport facilities in order to Fund Rental Car Related Projects, Programs, and Related Expenses. |
Customer Facility Charge (478-R) |
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 448 regarding Customer Facility Charges on rental car transactions at the Portland International Airport. |
Delegated Authority (413) |
An ordinance amending ordinance no. 353, as amended by ordinance no. 376-R, to increase the maximum size of contracts that may be signed by the Executive Director without reporting to the Commission. |
Landing and Fuel Fees (389) |
An ordinance regarding landing and fuel flowage fees and regulating operation of fuel transportation vehicles on airport. |
Marine Terminal Operations (426) |
An ordinance regulating activities at and use of the Port of Portland marine terminals; repealing portions of Ordinance No. 229. |
Passenger Facility Charge (402) |
An ordinance amending Ordinance 359 and Ordinance 383 establishing a passenger facility charge at Portland International Airport. |
Privilege Fees - PDX (451) |
Ordinance No. 451-R Pertaining to the regulation of and sets forth a system of collection of fees from off-airport rental car, parking lot, park and fly and stay park and fly businesses servicing Portland International Airport. Ordinance No. 451-R, which is concisely summarized as follows: An ordinance amending and restating Ordinance No. 349-R (as amended by Ordinance No. 412-R and No. 439-R). |
Storm Water (361) |
An ordinance regulating storm water. |
Towing (360) |
An ordinance to allow for towing and storage of motor vehicles illegally parked, stored or abandoned on Port property. |