We’re dedicated to helping your business succeed.
Interested in working together? We offer certified small businesses in Oregon and Washington opportunities to bid for contracts, expand their operations, and connect with mentors.
We’re a big organization—kind of like a city. Think about everything it takes to run a city: fire department, roads, police, engineers, shops, and services. We’re looking for all of that and more here at the Port.
Somos una organización grande, similar a una ciudad. Piense en todo lo que se necesita para operar una ciudad: departamento de bomberos, calles, policías, ingenieros, tiendas y servicios. Estamos buscando todo eso y mucho más aquí en Port.
We work closely with you to support your business. Think of us as not only a resource to help with issues like contract questions or security concerns, but also part of your team, helping your business grow.
Trabajamos de cerca con usted para apoyar a su empresa. Considérenos no solo como un recurso para ayudar con cuestiones como preguntas sobre contratos o preocupaciones de seguridad, sino también como parte de su equipo para ayudar a que su empresa crezca.
If you’re considering working with us, you’ll need to register as a vendor. Even if there aren’t any opportunities listed right now, things change every day: You’ll be the first to know when they do come up.
Register NowSince 1995, we have brought together small businesses with established companies. More than 100 small businesses have participated in this nationally recognized program.
Each protégé gets paired with two industry mentors, who assist with developing business plans and marketing strategies; understanding financial statements; and determining short- and long-term business goals.
Se asocia a cada protegido con dos mentores de la industria, quienes le ayudan a desarrollar planes de negocio y estrategias de mercadotecnia, a entender estados financieros y a establecer objetivos empresariales a corto y a largo plazo.
We increase contracting opportunities for businesses certified as socially or economically disadvantaged.
Because we receive some financial assistance from the United States Department of Transportation for airport improvement projects, we make sure DBE-certified businesses have an equal opportunity to perform work on our federally funded contracts.
Debido a que recibimos asistencia económica del Departamento de Transporte de Estados Unidos para proyectos de mejora del aeropuerto, nos aseguramos de que las empresas certificadas como DBE tengan igualdad de oportunidades para realizar trabajos en nuestros contratos financiados federalmente.
We provide opportunities at PDX for minority- and woman-owned small businesses.
The program focuses on the businesses that travelers would find in an airport, such as shops, restaurants and services. That could include everything from food carts to banks to rental cars.
El programa se enfoca en las empresas que los viajeros podrían encontrar en un aeropuerto, como tiendas, restaurantes y servicios. Esto podría incluir de todo, desde carritos de comida hasta bancos y coches de alquiler.
We aim to award certified small businesses at least 20 percent of our contracting dollars.
The program encourages certified small businesses to compete for work here as contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and service providers.
Este programa alienta a las pequeñas empresas certificadas a competir por trabajos aquí, como contratistas, subcontratistas, distribuidores y proveedores de servicios.
On-the-job training is an important way we support building a diverse, skilled workforce for the construction industry and increasing the number of apprentices.
We require contractors to provide on-the-job training for registered apprentices on our construction projects. We use electronic reporting to collect subcontractor Payment Utilization Reports, Workforce Utilization Reports and Certified Payroll Reports from our contractors.
Requerimos que los contratistas brinden capacitación en el empleo a los aprendices registrados en nuestros proyectos de construcción. Usamos informes electrónicos para recopilar Informes de utilización de pagos de subcontratistas, Informes de utilización de la fuerza laboral e Informes de nóminas certificadas de nuestros contratistas.