Phone Number must be a ten-digit number with area code.
Email is Required and Must be a Properly Formatted Email Address.
Request Background
Are you requesting records on behalf of a local, state, or federal government agency?
Answer is Required.
Are you a member of the news media?
Answer is Required.
Are you requesting records as a representative of, or a party to, a lawsuit in which the Port is a party, or are you requesting records relating to a tort claim notice filed with the Port of Portland?
Answer is Required.
Request Type
Check the boxes for the types of records you are looking for:
At least one Record Type is Required.
Port of Portland Police Report Request Detail
Please note that unless you identify as someone requesting records on behalf of a government agency, all records released are subject to redactions.
Name of the Person Involved is Required.
DOB of the Person Involved is Required.
Relation to the Person Involved is Required.
Date of Incident is Required.
Location of Incident is Required.
Details of Incident is Required.
Emergency Communications Request Detail
Please note that unless you identify as someone requesting records on behalf of a government agency, all records released are subject to redactions.
At least one Record Type is Required.
Incident Date and Time is Required.
Relationship to Incident is Required.
Incident Description and Location is Required.
CCTV Request Detail
Please provide as much detail as possible in the form below to assist with locating the requested records. Failure to do so may delay the process or increase the cost of the records requested. Per the State of Oregon Retention Requirements, CCTV footage is retained for 30 days before it is destroyed.
Location of Incident is Required.
Date of Incident is Required.
Time of Incident is Required.
Details of Incident is Required.
Reason for Request is Required.
Law Enforcement Body Worn Camera Request Detail
ORS 192.345(40)(b) states that a request for disclosure under this subsection must identify the approximate date and time of the incident for which the records are requested and be reasonably tailored to include only that material for which a public interest requires disclosure.
Date of Incident is Required.
Time of Incident is Required.
Incident Description is Required.
ORS 192.345(40)(b) exempts all body camera footage from a law enforcement officer unless the public interest requires disclosure in the particular instance.
Reason Requiring Disclosure is Required.
Medical Incident Reports Request Detail
Name of Patient is Required.
Date of Incident is Required.
Time of Incident is Required.
Location of Incident is Required.
Facility Access Control Records / Badge Swipe Reports
Please submit a separate records request for each individual badge holder report that is needed. Failure to do so may delay the process or increase the cost of the records requested.
--- Port of Portland Police Report Request Detail ---
Case Number:
{{ formData.Police.CaseNumber }}
Name of Person Involved:
{{ formData.Police.PersonInvolvedName }}
Date of Birth of Person Involved:
{{ (isMoment(formData.Police.PersonInvolvedDob) ? formatDate(formData.Police.PersonInvolvedDob) : null) }}
Relation to Person Involved:
{{ formData.Police.PersonInvolvedRelation }}
Date of Incident:
{{ (isMoment(formData.Police.IncidentDate) ? formatDate(formData.Police.IncidentDate) : null) }}
Time of Incident:
{{ formData.Police.IncidentTime }}
Location of the incident:
{{ formData.Police.IncidentLocation }}
{{ formData.Police.Details }}
--- Emergency Communications Request Detail ---
{{ formData.Emergency.Types.join(', ') }}
Date and Time of Incident:
{{ formData.Emergency.IncidentDateTime }}
{{ formData.Emergency.Details }}
Relationship to Incident:
{{ formData.Emergency.IncidentRelationship }}
--- CCTV Request Detail ---
Case Number:
{{ formData.Cctv.CaseNumber }}
Date of Incident:
{{ (isMoment(formData.Cctv.IncidentDate) ? formatDate(formData.Cctv.IncidentDate) : null) }}
Time of Incident:
{{ formData.Cctv.IncidentTime }}
Location of the incident:
{{ formData.Cctv.Location }}
{{ formData.Cctv.Details }}
{{ formData.Cctv.Reason }}
--- Law Enforcement Body Worn Camera Request Detail ---
Case Number:
{{ formData.Bodycam.CaseNumber }}
Date of Incident:
{{ (isMoment(formData.Bodycam.IncidentDate) ? formatDate(formData.Cctv.IncidentDate) : null) }}
Time of Incident:
{{ formData.Bodycam.IncidentTime }}
Incident Description:
{{ formData.Bodycam.IncidentDescription }}
{{ formData.Bodycam.Reason }}
--- Medical Incident Reports Request Detail ---
Name of Patient:
{{ formData.Medical.PatientName }}
Date of Incident:
{{ (isMoment(formData.Medical.IncidentDate) ? formatDate(formData.Medical.IncidentDate) : null) }}
Time of Incident:
{{ formData.Medical.IncidentTime }}
Location of the incident:
{{ formData.Medical.IncidentLocation }}
Location of Assistance:
{{ formData.Medical.AssistanceLocation }}
--- Facility Access Control Records / Badge Swipe Reports ---
{{ formData.Access.Details }}
Name of Badgeholder:
{{ formData.Access.BadgeholderName }}
Dates and Times:
{{ formData.Access.DatesAndTimes }}
Badge Number:
{{ formData.Access.BadgeNumber }}
{{ formData.Access.Upid }}
Pursuant to ORS 192.324, requesters are responsible for paying fees which are reasonably calculated to reimburse the Port for the actual cost of making the requested records available.
These costs may include the cost of searching, locating and copying records; reviewing records to redact exempt material; supervising the inspection of records; certifying records; and mailing records.
Fees will be charged even if no records are located or if the Port determines that the requested records are exempt from disclosure.
You may view the Port’s Public Records Request Price List (fee schedule) by clicking here.
A Port Records Program representative will advise you of the cost to provide the requested records and will require your approval before beginning to gather them.
CLICKING THE BOX BELOW REPRESENTS YOUR AGREEMENT TO COMPLY WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, including agreement to pay the cost of fulfilling this public records request.
I agree to these terms and conditions.
There is at least one error on the previous pages that must be fixed before submitting this request.
Request Submitted
Your request has been successfully submitted. You will receive a verification email shortly.
You must verify your email address by clicking on the VERIFY REQUEST button contained in that email.
No further consideration for your request will be granted until you verify your request.
Do you have feedback about this website? Please send us a message. If you would like a response, please also include your name and contact info.