HIO Pilot's Guide

Rwy 13/31 - 6,600' x 150'
Rwy 02/20 - 4,049' x 100'

Rwy 13 - ILS, PAPI
Rwy 2, 20 - VASI
Rwy 31 - REIL, PAPI

Twys A, B - 50' wide 
Twys AA, C - 40' wide
Twy CC - 28' wide

15nm SW of PDX
Elevation: 208' MSL


Weight Bearing Capacity
Twys A, B Dual 100,000 lbs.
Twys AA, C, CC 12,500 lbs.

Note: Contact the appropriate tenant regarding private ramp capabilities.

Noise Abatement Program - Be courteous, fly neighborly

Minimizing aircraft noise near residential areas and operating a safe and efficient air transportation system is a nationwide challenge. Courteous and responsible pilots are the key to a successful noise management program. A successful program can be achieved by avoiding unnecessary residential overflights and by flying as quietly as safety permits. Please help us maintain a Good Neighbor relationship with the surrounding communities by following the recommended noise abatement procedures illustrated in this guide.

Safety always supersedes noise abatement patterns. The procedures described in this guide are not intended to preempt the prerogative or responsibilities of the pilot-in-command for aircraft operation. The procedures are not intended to conflict with ATC instructions, which are the exclusive authority of the FAA.

VFR Noise Abatement Procedures
Safety permitting, avoid flying over nearby residential areas when arriving or departing Hillsboro Airport. Please follow these procedures when safety, weather, and ATC instructions permit:

  • For community compatibility and noise mitigation purposes, Runway 31L is the preferred departure runway.
  • Runways 31L and 31R are designated the active runways under calm wind conditions (winds of 10 knots or less, irrespective of direction).
  • Runway 02/20 is a highly noise-sensitive runway. Use of Runway 20 for takeoffs and Runway 2 for landings should be avoided unless wind or operational conditions dictate otherwise. As a general rule, Runway 02/20 will be used only when the wind velocity is 10 knots or greater from a direction that is between 170 degrees and 230 degrees or 350 degrees and 050 degrees.
  • For closed traffic patterns (touch-and-go operations), Runways 13R, 31R and 02 shall use right traffic patterns; standard left traffic patterns shall be used on Runways 3L, 31L and 20. Right traffic patterns are permitted on Runway 31L when conditions and FAA clearance allow.
  • Aircraft should avoid unnecessary overflight of the urban residential areas.
  • Due to community noise impacts, nighttime training operations (e.g. touch-and-goes, missed approaches, etc.) are discouraged between 2200 local and 0600 local daily

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Arriving international flights may park on the north end of the terminal ramp. The facility is open Monday through Friday from noon to 8 p.m. During these hours, users may call 503.693.1069 to speak with the customs officer on duty. After normal business hours, customs clearances are available by prior appointment. Please call 503.326.3230 to schedule.

For a copy of the Pilot's Guide, contact the General Aviation Office at 503.460.4100.