Water Management and Conservation

The Portwide Water Conservation Strategy presents our commitment to responsible water management and strives to integrate water conservation and management into the Port’s daily operations, maintenance, business planning, and capital projects. Our goals include:

  • Increase water use efficiency (reduce waste) and reduce operating costs.
  • Integrate water conservation into strategic planning and business decision-making.
  • Encourage the use of the Port’s non-potable water sources, along with other water sources such as rainwater, stormwater, and reuse of wastewater.
  • Foster a Portwide culture that encourages water use efficiency.
  • Support the Port’s commitment to sustainability.

To be successful, the Port’s conservation strategy must incorporate more than just a mechanism for installing structural water-saving features. It also includes a framework of non-structural programs and tools that promote a Portwide culture of water conservation. Completed and future water conservation projects include:

  1. Installation of dual flush toilets and water efficient urinals in the PDX Terminal.
  2. Conversion of rental car wash water at PDX from potable to non-potable water sources, including water re-use and rainwater harvesting from the building’s roof.
  3. Conversion of irrigation water along Port roadways and greenspaces from potable to non-potable water sources. 

Proposed Upcoming Water Conservation Projects:

  1. Switch from potable to non-potable water source toilets and wash areas in the PDX Terminal.
  2. Continue to install water efficient appliances throughout all Port facilities.
  3. Switch from potable to non-potable water source for non-potable uses at the PDX maintenance facility.
  4. Install a non-potable well at PDX for use by construction projects.
  5. Install stormwater harvesting for non-potable uses.
  6. Implement a Green Concession Program – rewarding concessionaires that achieve water, energy, and/or waste reduction metrics.

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