Citizen Noise Advisory Committee

The Citizen Noise Advisory Committee (CNAC) is the official forum to address the community's aircraft noise concerns. Local jurisdictions and the Port of Portland appoint the 15-member committee to represent residential and business concerns. CNAC was organized in 1998 as an official Port of Portland advisory committee on aircraft noise issues.

CNAC members review noise abatement projects, provide input for the implementation of the current Portland International Airport Noise Compatibility Plan, develop ideas and recommend proposals for consideration in future airport noise plans, participate on advisory committees involved in long-range airport facilities and capital improvement planning, and promote citizen understanding of airport noise issues.

Use the following links to find additional information about CNAC members and the committee's projects, or to learn about the role of the Federal Aviation Administration in determining where planes fly and how the Port of Portland and the airlines manage airport and aircraft operations.

Updated January 2013
The Committee's Charge

  • Report in an advisory capacity to the Director of Aviation for Portland International Airport, through the Manager of the Noise Management Office.
  • Act on behalf of local jurisdictions as the official forum to address community noise concerns.
  • Monitor and provide input on the implementation of the current Portland International Airport Noise Compatibility Plan.
  • Review airport noise issues and provide input or recommendations on issue resolution and follow-up action.
  • Develop ideas and recommend proposals for consideration in future airport noise plans.
  • Participate on advisory committees involved in long-range airport facilities and capital improvement planning.
  • Enhance citizen understanding of airport noise management through the work of the CNAC as a whole.
  • Periodically brief the Port of Portland Commission on the committee's work.

Organization of the Committee
The advisory committee consists of 15 members.

  • Eleven committee members will be selected by local jurisdictions in the region, representing residential and business interests in their jurisdiction, as follows:
    City of Portland 3 members
    City of Vancouver 2 members
    City of Gresham 1 member
    Combined cities of Fairview, Troutdale and Wood Village 1 member
    Multnomah County 1 member
    Clark County 1 member
    Washington County 1 member
    Clackamas County 1 member
  • The Port will name four members from within the four-county region to provide geographic balance and environmental representation on the Advisory Committee.
  • The Advisory Committee chair will be elected by the members of the Committee.

Appointment and Service Criteria

  • Participate in the resolution of noise issues.
  • Commit to a full term.
  • Regularly attend meetings. After two consecutive absences without advance notice, membership will be reviewed by appointing jurisdictions.
  • Be responsible for reporting to appointing jurisdictions.
  • Participate in Port of Portland noise-related community outreach programs.

Committee Terms and Meeting Schedule

  • Members will serve 3-year terms.
  • The Chair will serve a 2-year term of office.
  • The Advisory Committee will meet bi-monthly on odd months, but may vote to cancel a meeting.

Technical Advisory Group

  • The Port will assemble a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) of agencies and organizations with regulatory and operating responsibilities tied to the airport and other technical consultants.
  • TAG membership may include representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, State Aeronautics Division, Oregon Air National Guard, City of Portland noise office, airlines and pilots operating at the airport, the airport fixed base operator, and technical consultants.
  • The purpose of the TAG will be to support the Advisory Committee by providing technical information.
  • TAG members will be a non-voting group.

Port of Portland Support to the Advisory Council
The Port will provide staff support to assist the Advisory Committee with its activities.

  • Technical research and informational reports.
  • Coordination of facilities and preparation of materials for monthly meetings.
  • Public meeting notifications.
  • Recording and distribution of meeting summary.
  • Public access to CNAC information and documents.
  • Logistical support for sub-committee meetings and retreats.
  • Chair support and preparation of correspondence as needed.
  • Orientation and training for members.
  • Reporting to Port Management and Commission.

Please contact the Noise Management Office at 503.460.4100 if you have questions about which Citizen Noise Advisory Committee member to contact regarding your concerns.

Nominations from Local Jurisdictions 

Cities of Fairview/Troutdale/Wood Village
Mark Clark
Term expires Dec. 2024

City of Gresham
Lana Stillwell
Term expires Nov. 2023

City of Portland
Ron Schmidt
Term expires Dec. 2026

Laura Young
Term expires Dec. 2020

Kelly Sweeney
Term expires Nov. 2020

Clackamas County
Timothy Benz
Term expires Nov. 2023

Multnomah County
Joe Smith
Term expires Nov. 2021

Washington County


City of Vancouver 
Mike Yee
Term expires Dec. 2024

John Pusieski
Term expires Oct. 2024

Clark County

At-large Positions Appointed by the Port (4)

City of Portland - (At - Large) 
Karen Meyer
Term expires Oct. 2024

Multnomah County - (At - Large)
Mike Finch
Term expires Oct. 2024

Multnomah County - (At - Large)
Pete De Vasto
Term expires Nov. 2025

At - Large Position

Upcoming Meetings

Citizen Noise Advisory Committee

11/14/2024, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

CNAC is the Port of Portland's official forum for working with the community on aircraft noise issues.

Port of Portland HQ - Anchor Room

Noise Management Office  -  503.460.4100

11/14/2024 5:30:00 PM 11/14/2024 8:00:00 PM America/Los_Angeles Citizen Noise Advisory Committee Port of Portland HQ - Anchor Room Noise Management Office

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