The full six step process is for a new tenant build-out.
Depending on the scope and complexity of your project, some steps may be simplified or eliminated. Ask your TI Team.
GET STARTED – PRE-DESIGNThis process is for a new Tenant build-out. Depending on the complexity & scope of your project, some steps may be simplified or eliminated. Ask your TI Team. |
1.1 | Contact the Port of Portland Tenant Improvement Team: |
1.2 | Assemble Your Design Team Architects/Designers, Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Engineers & Consultants General Contractor, etc. Please note: All construction drawings and documents must be signed and stamped by an architect or engineer licensed in Oregon. |
1.3 | Attend Pre-Design Meeting To schedule meeting, contact: Typical Meeting Agenda: (available upon request) |
1.4 |
Request As-constructed Drawings Contact: |
1.5 |
Have Your Design Team Review: PDX Terminal Design Standards: (available upon request) Port Master Specifications and Standard Drawing Details: Please note: Tenant projects are not required to follow Port CAD standards. |
SCHEMATIC DESIGNSchematic Design focuses on architectural design, space planning, circulation, and unique issues specific the Tenant location as discussed in the Pre-Design meeting. |
2.1 | Submit for Schematic Design Review (+/- 30%) SD Checklist: (available upon request) Please note: Port review period is 15 business days. |
2.2 | FAA 7460 Application (When applicable) Port Fact sheet 7460 process: (available upon request) Please note: FAA 7460 can take 90-120 days. |
2.3 |
Site Walk with Port Facility Engineers Mandatory for Tenant Architects/Designers and MEP Engineers Recommended for General Contractors To schedule meeting, contact: |
DESIGN DEVELOPMENTDesign Development focuses on mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and other systems as well as architectural details, materials & finishes, furniture, lighting, etc. |
3.1 |
Revise Design and Drawings Incorporate Port comments from Schematic Design Review and information from Site Walk discussion with Port Facility Engineers. |
3.2 |
Submit for DD Review (+/- 60%) DD Checklist: (available upon request) Please note: Port review period for DD review is 5 business days followed by a page-turn review meeting. |
3.3 |
Attend Design Development Page Turn Meeting To schedule meeting, contact: Typical Meeting Agenda: (available upon request) |
3.4 |
Contact City of Portland Facility Permit Program |
3.5 |
Contact Multnomah County Health Department (When applicable) |
3.6 |
Start Security Badging Process Please note: Badging process can take 4-6 weeks |
CONSTRUCTION PERMITA Port Tenant Construction Permit AND City of Portland Permits are required. All construction drawings and documents must be stamped and signed by an architect or engineer licensed in Oregon. |
4.1 |
Revise Design and Drawings Incorporate discussion from Design Development review. Proceed to +/- 90% Construction Documents. |
4.2 |
Submit Completed & Signed Port Tenant Construction Permit Application |
4.3 |
Submit +/- 90% Construction Permint Drawings CD Checklist: (available upon request) Please note: Port review period is 15 business days. |
4.4 |
Submit for City of Portland Permits Please note: City of Portland permits can take 4-6 weeks. |
4.5 |
Submit Construction Deposit See Tenant Construction Permit Application for Deposit Table The Construction Deposit is fully refundable upon receipt of all required Close Out items. |
4.6 |
Submit 100% Issued for Construction Documents See Tenant Construction Permit Application for Deposit Table Incorporate all open Port comments and any AHJ comments. All construction drawings and documents must be signed and stamped by an architect or engineer licensed in Oregon. |
CONSTRUCTIONConstruction cannot begin until all permits are issued & all jurisdictional requirements are met. |
5.1 | Attend Pre-Construction Meeting To schedule meeting, contact: Typical Meeting Agenda: (available upon request) |
5.2 |
Coordinate Deliveries, Night Work, & Shutdowns Construction FAQs: (available upon request) |
5.3 | Schedule Inspections w/ Port & City Inspectors |
5.4 | Schedule Punch Walk To schedule meeting, contact: |
5.5 | Open for Business! Celebrate, you’ve earned it. |
CLOSE OUTClose Out must be completed within 90 calendar days of official opening date. |
6.1 | Complete Punch List |
6.2 | Submit Close Out Items Typical Close Out Checklist: (available upon request) |
6.3 | Construction Deposit Returned |