Employee-Led Groups

The Port of Portland is home to a vibrant network of employee-led groups.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-driven, and organized around shared characteristics, interests and goals. Open to all Port employees committed to creating a positive workplace culture, ERGs support the organization’s mission, core values and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Through programming, employee engagement, recruitment and retention strategies, community efforts and leadership, ERGs contribute immensely to the Port’s cultural vibrancy. In addition to the many benefits that ERGs bring, they also provide spaces for employees to take refuge, foster a sense of community, find their voice and enact change.

Benefits of Employee Resource Groups

  • Support the Port’s mission, core values and business objectives, including our commitment to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment
  • Advance the Port’s goals around small business participation, being a welcoming place to work and engaging our community
  • Offer employees a sense of community, camaraderie and connection
  • Serve as an open forum for the exchange of ideas
  • Foster communication across all levels of the organization
  • Assist with recruiting and retaining talent
  • Provide personal and professional development and networking opportunities
  • Positively impact the Port by channeling employees’ voices to advocate for change 

Active Employee Resource Groups at the Port

There are several active ERGs at the Port. Members of the Port’s Executive Team serve as sponsors, providing groups with strategic guidance, mentorship, advocacy for resources, and support. 

All employees are welcome to join any of our Resource Group meetings and activities.

Alliance of Black Employees (A.BL.E.)

The mission of the Alliance of BLack Employees (A.BL.E.) is to support the Port’s attraction, retention, and development of Black employees, creating an inclusive workplace where Black cultural experiences are celebrated. 


Alliance of Black Employees (A.BL.E)
Asian Pacific Islander Employee Resource Group (API ERG)

Asian Pacific Islander Employee Resource Group (API ERG)

The Asian Pacific Islander Employee Resource Group connects, inspires and empowers Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander employees at the Port. The API ERG seeks to elevate awareness and advocate for the diverse needs of Port API employees and the greater API community through educational, cultural and social activities. 

Latinx and Friends Employee Network

The mission of the Latinx and Friends Employee Network is to build and support cultural awareness to positively influence the Port’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Employee Resource Group - Latino Employee Network and Friends
LGBTQx and Friends (LGBTQx ERG)

LGBTQx and Friends Employee Resource Group

The LGBTQx and Friends ERG seeks to create greater awareness about the issues and unique experiences faced by Port LGBTQx employees and in the LGBTQx community at large. 

Veterans Employee Resource Group

The Veterans ERG provides an environment that encourages development of employees using their military experience. This includes employees who have served in the armed forces, as well as their spouses and family members, or anyone who supports the mission of this group. 

Veterans Employee Resource Group
Women’s Development Network


W+DN believes that the Port can be a place where women and gender nonbinary employees are meaningfully included in all levels of organizational decision-making; considered valuable leaders and contributors who are encouraged to express themselves authentically; and not confined to gender stereotypes or gender roles. 

PoP Culture

Created in 2016, PoP Culture is another employee-led team. Represented by departments across the organization, the PoP Culture group helps drive organizational culture change in alignment with the Port's values of equity and inclusion. During PoP Culture's formative years, the team focused on deepening members' understanding of inclusion by examining history, differences and organizational structures as well as facilitating conversations designed to bring the message of equity and inclusion to every employee. Open to all employees, PoP Culture reviews and provides recommendations on policies, programs and decision-making as well as hosts activities like Diversity Month.


Business Resource Groups

LeadersNEXT is the Port’s first Business Resource Group (BRG). A BRG connects a group of employees that have a common interest in improving both the organization’s needs and their professional development. Through networking, engagement and collaboration between existing and developing leaders, LeadersNEXT seeks to create mutually beneficial learning experiences, accelerate professional growth and create a culture of empowerment and inclusiveness.


Other Groups at the Port

The Port also has an active Employees for Education (E4E) group, which raises funds for scholarships for the children of Port employees. There are also a multitude of other groups that unite employees around common interests, including a Women+ IT, Book Club, and other groups.